Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
For more moments, hope over to Soulemama.
I know I haven't been around much - I'm still pretty much recovering from Thanksgiving, and having my in-laws here for 2 days as well as my sister-in-law and her family here for the day... I'm still wiped from it! WHEW! But I think a good time was had by all...
This is a very optimistic list - and this is the order I'll make them in (stuff that i don't mind not having done, is last). I haven't included that I'll be making a batch of crinkles for a friends fundraiser, as well as cookies (what ones?!?!) for my church's annual cookie sale. These I'll be baking first, tomorrow and this weekend.
I do have some small changes to a few of these recipes (no nuts in the cookies), but mostly, these are the tried and true cookies i grew up helping my dad baking at Christmas time. So....