In my life this week:
RAIN! 15 days straight of rain in our area. I HOPE we dry out soon.
And... CHAOS! Our routine is totally out of whack, for homeschooling and otherwise. Hoping we can get on tack for next week.
In our homeschool this week:
Well, spring break is over and we were back to the grind... for 2 days. Wednesday came with a long music rehearsal (back to back 2 band practices). Thursday and Friday, we "winged" it - unschooling style. Not sure how much I like the idea, as Lexi seems to need to be pushed to do anything. But, I've been reading about how kids need time to adjust from public school to homeschooling. And it can take weeks, months... sometimes even a year or more. WHOA! So, I'm trying to be patient with her and hope I'm not screwing up and letting her down.
Places we're going and people we're seeing:
We didn't make it to Rochester Museum and Science Center last weekend, so we're hoping for tomorrow, or Sunday. Our new dining set is being delivered and I still need to clean that dining room for it.
My favorite thing this week:
THE CARPET! Really, it really makes the living room more inviting, homey and just peaceful. I can see us homeschooling more in there now.
Homeschooling questions/thoughts I have:
Adjustment from public schooling to homeschooling... we've been at home a month now, and I am feeling MORE resistance from my daughter. Ex. we've been using an online program for the bulk of her work (and filling in when needed, for both subjects they cover, and for ones they don't even have). She's now refusing to use it at all (and with less then 2 months to year's end, I'm not buying anything else for this year now). She want's more hands-on, less computer/book work. Which, i WOULD LOVE to do, but finding that stuff, on my shoestring budget is proving hard. All the suggestions for stuff I've found has been for much younger kids.
I'm 110% sure I want to homeschool her in the fall again (now to get dad on board), and rather put any money for stuff for next year (like a microscope, globe, books, etc...)
A photo, video, link or quote to share...
All three kids Easter morning. Daddy took this picture on his iPod, which does not like to take decent pictures in low light.
Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!